画像: Lording

Ambient Weaving Virtual Gallery

IMG SRC was in charge of the design and implementation of the virtual exhibition website that recreates the immersive exhibition space of "Ambient Weaving - Environment and Textiles", a joint research project by the University of Tokyo, Hosoo and ZOZO NEXT.
The virtual exhibition site was created by using a fulldome 360-degree camera to capture the exhibition space of "Ambient Weaving: Environment and Textiles," which was held as an exhibition of research results at the HOSOO GALLERY in Kyoto from April to September 2021. It is a virtual reproduction of the actual atmosphere and arrangement of the works in the exhibition space. Visitors will be able to enjoy videos and photos of each of the exhibited works while feeling as if they are walking around the venue through the screen.

(日本語) バーチャル展示会サイトでは、柔らかな紐状の有機ELを織り込み通電させると発光する西陣織や、周囲の温度変化に合わせて変色する西陣織など、日本の伝統技法である西陣織に先端テクノロジーを掛け合わせた5作品を展示している。展示会タイトルである「Ambient Weaving」は「環境の情報を織り込んだ布」、あるいは「環境と相互作用する布」を指すため、展示会場では周囲の空間と展示作品の関係を重視。光の状況や温度管理、センサーによる環境情報の視覚化などを行うことで、より織物の変化が際立ち、美しく魅せるよう空間全体をデザインされています。